[Xquartz-dev] Helping with xorg-server
John Lindal
2018-09-07 21:23:29 UTC
Can anybody provide some more details on what would be required to finish this work of getting XQuartz off libXplugin? I would love to help, if I can.

Subject: Re: Is XQuartz development abandoned?
Date: August 30, 2018 at 2:51:01 PM PDT
Here the answer I got from Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia on 02 Feb 2017.
I think we can be real pessimistic concerning X11 on macOS.
[AF] A question about slow dialogues with OpenMotif and XQuartz (much slower than with Linux).
There is a known issue there, I believe with Yosemite and newer versions of macOS (maybe Mavericks+, maybe ElCap+, I forget exactly). The issue is below us in CoreGraphics and won't really be fixed on Apple's side as doing so would fix this case but cause bad performance penalties for every single other case out there. The real solution is to get XQuartz off of libXplugin and start using more modern macOS APIs (eg: finishing up libxcwm), but there's not really anyone actively working on that right now.
[AF] Are you the only one involved in XQuartz developments ?
[JHS] Yes, and I spend significantly less than 1% of my time on it ... barely enough to just pull in upstream changes, build, and ship.
[AF] [...] but people are reluctant in using them on Macintoshes because of that problem of slowness.
[JHS] If you're interested in working on the replacement, I can point you in the right direction. It's maybe 60% done ... all by a group of college seniors at PSU.